Friday, April 24, 2009

the fall of fucking troy

oh man, nothing gets me pumped like this band. i remember learning i just got this symphony goin' on guitar and thinking i was pretty fuckin awesome [i am].

they've got an album due out soon. they've played a number of songs live. some songs point toward a different direction, like manipulator except with even more of a pop sensibility. it actually all sounds very promising. however, it would be a shame if they completely abandoned the sound that defined them. luckily, there are still songs with the same frantic craziness as self-titled/doppelganger tfot. the song above is a good blend of the two sounds. i dig the bluesy end with thom's guitar hero solo. that kid can sure play.

straightjacket keelhauled is a song which is purely old school tfot with as much packed into two and a half minutes as possible, in the same vein as laces out, dan! i'd say that's my favourite song on doppelganger, but really every song on doppelganger is my favourite. that's an album i greatly enjoy listening to straight through. it was pretty much a mindfuck the first time i heard it. still kind of is.

laces out, dan! [live]

the fall of troy = live at bbc sessions


laces out, dan!
straightjacket keelhauled

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